You may download and print this form, and mail order requests with check payment to:
Marin County Genealogical Society
PO Box 1511
Novato, CA94948-1511
Please include shipping costs: $5 for the first item, $3 for each additional item.
Newspaper Abstracts from the Marin Journal
March 23, 1861 - Dec. 28, 1872.
222 pages, strip bound, soft cover.
$40 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Births, Marriages and Deaths from The Marin Journal
Jan. 2, 1873 - Dec. 30, 1880
330 pages, indexed.
$46 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Marin County Cemetery Records Vol. 1 – Assorted Marin Cemeteries
Includes Bolinas, Daphne-Fernwood, Olema, Pioneer Memorial (Novato), Point Reyes, Tomales Catholic, Tomales Presbyterian, Mt. Olivet Catholic, and Marshall (Indian).
Alphabetical, 296 pages.
$70 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Marin County Cemetery Records Vol. 2 - Mt. Tamalpais Cemetery Interment Log
Covers the years 1879 – 1930; includes the first 2,551 burials. It is presented in two sections: the first is in chronological order and the second is an alphabetical listing of interments, eliminating the need for an index. Information given includes the name of the deceased, places of birth and death, dates of death and burial, cause of death, burial location within the cemetery, and occasional other notes.
$80 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Marin County Cemetery Records Vol. 3 - Valley Memorial Park Cemetery in Novato
Compiled 1998. All tombstone inscriptions; interments for which there are no stones (from office records).
143 pages, indexed.
$33 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Marin County Cemetery Records Vol. 4 - Marin County Poor Farm & Hospital Cemetery
In 1880 land was purchased by the county and a facility built to care for the elderly and poor who were either indigent or had no family in the area able to care for them. During the earliest years, a farm was associated with the building and those who lived there and were physically able, helped in the barn and fields. A hospital was erected and opened in 1913. A cemetery has been associated with the Marin County Farm/Hospital since the beginning. Many records were kept and are now housed in the California Room at the Marin County Library in the Civic Center; other burials were gleaned from undertaker's records, the Stephen Eden funeral register, burial permits, and a couple of notices from the newspaper. This cemetery has never had stones to mark the graves. Burials began in 1880 and the last were in the 1960s.
$15 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Mt. Tamalpais Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions, Vol. 1
The printed book encompasses the entire history of the Cemetery up to about 2008. There will be another volume produced for those areas not included in Volume 1 and recent burials. A PDF version on CD is better for viewing the maps included, contains links to each section of the cemetery, and the text is searchable. Contact Marin County Genealogical Society for more information.
Printed book: $45 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
PDF on a CD: $15 (includes tax and shipping and handling)
Mt. Tamalpais Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions, Vol. 2
Areas not included in Volume 1, plus more recent burials.
Fully indexed.
$40 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Stephen Eden Funeral Register
Stephen Eden ran an undertaking company from 1913 to 1925. Typical information in this old register includes name, age, date of funeral, location and date of death, cause of death, place of burial. Also included in this book are obituaries for all who had them in the local newspaper and a few photos of tombstones.
$22 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Marin County Coroner's Inquest Book 1, 1857-1910
Copied from ledger in Coroner's Office, Civic Center, San Rafael.
Alphabetical, 50 pages.
$26 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Marin County Register of Deaths, Book 1, 1873-1892
Copied from the Recorder's Office, Civic Center, San Rafael. The information for this book was originally abstracted in 1994. It has just been revised by Cathy Gowdy who made some transcription corrections and added some entries which had been inadvertently missed.
49 pages
$19 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Undertaker's Records of Marin County, California, 1880-1906
Gives name, death date, age, nativity, date interred, cemetery, undertaker.
Indexed, 218 pages.
$43 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
1890 Great Register of Marin County, California (Voter List, Revised)
A photocopy of the printed register. Includes a computerized listing, cross-indexed by town.
Alphabetical, 138 pages.
$30 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
1892 Great Register of Marin County, California (Voter List)
A photocopy of the printed register.
Alphabetical, 36 pages.
$20 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
Marriages, St. Rafael's Church, San Rafael, April 3, 1884 - February 4, 1904
Usually given are the names of the bride, groom, parents of both, and witnesses. It was not uncommon for people from San Francisco to travel to San Rafael, to the site of the Old Mission to get married. If you are seeking a marriage record, it may be here.
Indexed, 67 pages.
$26 (Plus 9.5% tax for CA Residents)
The following Newspaper Extracts include voters lists, orphan records, lists of letters, and notes of when people living out of state visited their relatives. Visit the Heritage Books website for current pricing and to order direct. Profits go to MCGS.
Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, San Rafael, January 6, 1881 to December 25, 1884
2003, 8½x11, paper, index, 333 pages
Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, San Rafael, January 1, 1885 to December 27, 1888
2003, 8½x11, paper, index, 278 pages
Newspaper Extracts from Sausalito News, February 12, 1885 to December 26, 1890
2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 364 pages
Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, Marin County Tocsin, San Rafael, January 3, 1889 to December 27, 1890
2003, 8½x11, paper, index, 235 pages
Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, Marin County Tocsin, San Rafael, January 1, 1891 to December 31, 1892
2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 298 pages
Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, Marin County Tocsin, San Rafael, January 5, 1893 to December 27, 1894
2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 318 pages
Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, Sausalito News, January 3, 1895 to December 31, 1896
2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 356 pages
Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, Sausalito News, Marin County Tocsin, San Rafael, January 2, 1897 to December 31, 1898
2013, 8½x11, paper, index, 400 pages